Developer Guide: In-Depth Information

In this section, we cover several topics which are essential to understanding how Digideep works.

Understanding the parameters file

There are two sections in a parameter file. The main section is the def gen_params(cpanel) function, which gets the cpanel dictionary as its input, and gives the params dictionary as the output. The params dictionary is the parameter tree of all classes in the project, all in one place. This helps to see the whole structure of the code in one place and have control over them from a centralized location. Moreover, it allows for scripting the parameter relationships, in a more transparent way. Then, there is the cpanel dictionary for modifying important parameters from a “control panel”. The cpanel dictionary may be modified through command-line access:

python -m digideep.main ... --cpanel '{"cparam1":"value1", "cparam2":"value2"}'


It was possible to implement the parameter file using json or yaml files. But then it was less intuitive to script the relationships between coupled parameters.

Understanding the data structure of trajectories

The output of the Explorer, trajectories, are organized in the form of a dictionary with the following structure:

{'/observations':(batch_size, n_steps, ...),

Here, batch_size is the number of concurrent workers in the Explorer class, and n_steps is the length of each trajectory, i.e. number of timesteps the environment is run.


The names in angle brackets are arbitrary, depending on the agent and environment.

Here’s what each entry in the output mean:

  • /observations: Observations from the environment.
  • /masks: The done flags of the environment. A mask value of 0 indicates “finished” episode.
  • /rewards: The rewards obtained from the environment.
  • /infos/*: Optional information produced by the environment.
  • /agents/<agent_name>/actions: Actions took by <agent_name>.
  • /agents/<agent_name>/hidden_state: Hidden_states of <agent_name>.
  • /agents/<agent_name>/artifacts/*: Optional outputs from the agents which includes additional information required for training.

Memory will preserve the format of this data structure and store it as it is. Memory is basically a queue; new data will replace old data when queue is full.

Understanding the structure of agents

Digideep supports multiple agents in an environment. Agents are responsible to generate exploratory actions and update their parameters. Agents should inherit AgentBase. There are two important components in a typical component: sampler and policy.


The interface of the agent class with the Explorer is the action_generator(). This function is called to generate actions in the environment. The interface of the agent class with the Runner class is the update() class. This function is meant to update the parameters of the agent policy based on collected information from the environment.

As an example of agents, refer to PPO or DDPG.


A sampler samples transitions from the memory to train the policy on. Samplers for different methods share similar parts, thus suggesting to decompose a sampler into smaller units. This obviates developers from some boilerplate coding. See digideep.memory.sampler for some examples.


Policy is the function inside an agent that generates actions. A policy should inherit from PolicyBase. Policies support multi-GPU architectures for inference and architecture. We use torch.nn.DataParallel to activate multi-GPU functionalities. Note that using multi-GPUs sometimes does not lead to faster computations, due to larger overheads with respect to gains. It is really problem-dependant.

Every policy should implement the generate_actions() function. This function is to be called in the agent’s action_generator().

For examples on policies, refer to two available policies in Digideep:

  • A stochastic Policy for PPO agent.
  • A deterministic DDPG agent.

Understanding serialization

Digideep is written with serialization in mind from the beginning. The main burden of serialization is on the Runner class. It saves both the parameters and states of its sub-components: explorer, memory, and agents. Each of these sub-components are responsible for saving their sub-components states, i.e. in a recursive manner.


By now, checkpoints only save object states that are necessary for playing the policy, not to resume training.

At each instance of saving two pickle objects are saved, one saving the Runner, the other saving the states. “Saving”, at its core, is done by using pickle.dump for the Runner and for the states in the session class. “Loading”, uses counterpart functions pickle.load and torch.load for the Runner and states, respectively.


If you are implementing a new method, you should implement your own state_dict and load_state_dict methods for saving the state of “stateful” objects. Make sure those are called properly during saving and loading.

Debugging tools

There are some tools commonly used while implementing a reinforcement learning method. We have provided the following assistive tools to help developers debug their codes:

  • digideep.utility.profiling.Profiler: A lightweight profiling tool. This will help find parts of code that irregularly take more time to complete.
  • digideep.utility.monitoring.Monitor: A lightweight monitoring tool to keep track of values of variables in training.
  • Debugging tools in digideep.memory.sampler: There a few sampler units that can be injected into the sampler to inspect shapes, NaN values, and means and standard deviations of a chunk of memory.
  • Monitoring CPU/GPU utilization of cores and memory. See stats and runMonitor().


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